Sound Box

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Founded during the COVID-19 Pandemic lockdown, Sound Box is a platform for tech enthusiasts to take a break and listen to music while they have a quick read through on latest tech news highlights.

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In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future.

Eric Hoffer
The Absent-Minded Father of Cybernetics, Norbert Wiener

“When we met, was I walking to the faculty club or away from it? I’m wondering, because in the latter case I’ve already had my lunch”

American mathematician Norbert Wiener (1894–1964) was by all accounts, a very peculiar man...


5Jørgen VeisdalAug 22, 2021

The Unparalleled Genius of John von Neumann

“Most mathematicians prove what they can, von Neumann proves what he wants”

It is indeed supremely difficult to effectively refute the claim that John von Neumann is likely the most intelligent person who has ever lived.

By the time of his death in 1957 at the modest age of 53, the Hungarian polymath had not only revolutionized several subfields of mathematics and physics but also made foundational contributions to pure economics and statistics and taken key parts in the invention of the atomic bomb, nuclear energy and digital computing...


6Jørgen VeisdalMay 9, 2021

Turing Uncomputability

“As Leibniz suggested, we appear to live in the best of all possible worlds, where the computable functions make life predictable enough to be survivable, while the uncomputable functions make life (and mathematical truth) unpredictable enough to remain interesting, no matter how far computers continue to advance” — George Dyson


6Jørgen VeisdalAug 13, 2021

The Golden Age of Quantum Physics (1927)

The “most intelligent photograph ever taken”, as it is sometimes known.

It was captured during the Fifth Solvay International Conference on Electrons and Photons held in 1927 in Brussels, Belgium.

The photograph is famous because it was captured at the outset of what would later be known as the “debate of the century” over the non-deterministic nature of quantum physics.

The central discussion of the debate is covered in the May 25th newsletter ‘The Bohr-Einstein Debate’: ...


3Jørgen VeisdalSep 3, 2021

Richard Feynman on the Differences between Mathematics and Physics

“I would like to make a number of remarks on the relation of mathematics and physics”

During Richard Feynman’s Messenger Lecture Series on “The Relation of Mathematics & Physics” held at Cornell University in 1965, “The Great Explainer” addressed what he found to be the key differences between mathematics and physics.

His thoughts are summarized in the article...

Cantor's Paradise

1800Jørgen VeisdalJan 4, 2020

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is Pure Mathematics

Oftentimes I hear people stating that Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is about observers interacting with electrons through photons and thereby affecting the momenta of the photons.

It might be true that an observer has to affect the momentum (or some quantum state) of an electron in order to observe it but that is not the reason behind the uncertainty principle!

Before jumping headfirst into this topic, let us define Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle so we are all on the same page...

Cantor's Paradise

1300Kasper MüllerJul 16, 2021

Why Math is an Art, Not a Science

Mathematics is usually classed with the sciences, both in official catalogs and in the popular imagination.

People who are good at science are usually good at math, but the two subjects are very different in many ways.

Math is, in some ways, more like one of the arts than one of the sciences, but it’s really sui generis.

But pretty much no one classifies math with the arts, so, in this essay, I contrast math and the sciences...

Cantor's Paradise

453Peter FlomJul 21, 2021

The Fourier Series

“The Deep Study Of Nature Is The Most Fruitful Source Of Knowledge”

It’s warmly appropriate that Jean-Baptiste Fourier left us with the poignant quote above as a stark reminder to continuously turn to our connection with nature as a source of inspiration for knowledge.

It’s appropriate because, well, Fourier’s greatest contribution, the Fourier Series, both literally & figuratively, stems from a deep study of nature...

Cantor's Paradise

1100Jesus NajeraJan 26, 2020

3D printed, mind-controlled prosthetics are here

Bionic arms used to cost $80,000. Now, a young engineer has lowered the cost by over 90%.

Unlimited Tomorrow is pioneering a new age in prosthetics with its 3D-printed robotic arms.

Founded in 2014 by Easton LaChapelle when he was just 18 years old, the company is poised to become a leader in the prosthetic arm industry.


967,826AdminAug 14, 2021

AI and IoT – 5 use cases where it’s gathering pace

The convergence of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things) unlocks a huge potential for businesses worldwide.

While IoT sensors detect external information, replacing it with a signal that humans and machines can distinguish,

It’s AI that helps to build intelligent machines that learn from that data to support the decision-making process with little or no human interference...


191Kamalika SomeFeb 3, 2021

The path to a robotic future is paved with good intentions

Humanoid bots are growing in demand in various industries as they are able to complete tasks faster and efficiently.

When Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla announced last week the development of humanoid bots to handle work in dangerous industries, there was a bit of a mixed reaction coming out from everyone.

But Elon Musk and Tesla are not the first ones looking to build humanoid bots...


2Aaron RajAug 23, 2021

What Can We Really Expect From Elon Musk’s Tesla Robot?

With the help of robotics specialists, we can separate the truth from the hype.

Elon Musk has announced his plans for a new Tesla humanoid robot that will excel at “mundane tasks,” but he’s making some common robotics mistakes with his grand plans.

What does the future of a Tesla robot look like? With the help of a couple of robotics specialists, we can separate the truth from the hype in Musk’s claims...

Popular Mechanics

Caroline DelbertAug 27, 2021

Masa Depan Relasi Filsafat Ilmu-Teknologi

Don Ihde pada tahun 2004 menyebarkan keraguan dan harapan dengan artikelnya yang berjudul “Telah sampaikah filsafat teknologi? Keadaan Terbaru”

Pertanyaan evaluasinya cukup sederhana: Sudah mapankah filsafat teknologi sebagai disiplin?

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, Ihde membandingkan diskursus filsafat teknologi dengan dua “saudara” sekelahirannya, filsafat ilmu dan sosiologi ilmu. Berhasilkah Ihde menjawab pertanyaannya?

Berhasilkah Ihde menjawab pertanyaannya? ...

Antimoni Institute

650Banin D. SukmonoAug 29, 2020

Kemungkinan Peran Fenomenologi dalam Memecahkan Teka-teki Kuantum

Dari semua misteri yang diasosiasikan dengan fisika kuantum,dari belitan kuantum (quantum entanglement) hingga Asas Ketidakpastian, misteri yang mungkin paling fundamental adalah apa yang disebut ‘problem pengukuran’.

Untuk memahami problem tersebut kita dapat melihatnya dalam eksperimen pikiran ‘Kucingnya Schrӧdinger’: ...

Antimoni Institute

1000adminAug 22, 2020

Pembalikan Tatanan Dependensi: Dari Ontologi Berorientasi Objek ke Ontologi Berorientasi Struktur

Realisme struktural memiliki dua pilihan

Yaitu dengan mengakui adanya sesuatu yang melampaui struktur—sebutlah X—di dunia, yang biar bagaimanapun kita tidak memiliki aksesibilitas untuk mengetahuinya (apalagi memahaminya),

Atau memang tidak ada sesuatu yang lain yang melampaui struktur.

Realisme struktural epistemik seperti yang diadvokasi oleh Worrall memilih pilihan pertama sedangkan realisme struktural ontik memilih pilihan kedua...

Antimoni Institute

322Moh. GemaJul 21, 2020

Descartes, Optimisme Modernitas dan Soal Kebenaran dari Keraguan yang Keras Kepala

Sambil mengingat keindahan Paris yang dilukiskan Hemingway sebagai tiada pernah menunju akhir, Tiada akhir bagi cogito, kata Khoiril Maqin.

Begitu juga dengan Descrates, kita terjebak dalam argumen filosofis yang sulit menemukan titik akhir. Tidak kunjung paham.

Bagaimana melalui prinsip kesangsian atas segala sesuatu, kemudian ditandaskan pula ketepatan penalaran, ditambah lagi posisi Tuhan yang semakin kuat? ...

LSF Cogito

2500Danang TPMay 21, 2015

Bagaimana Kita Berhadapan Dengan Kebenaran? (Kebenaran Menurut Søren Kierkegaard)

Manusia lahir di dunia, tanpa mengetahui tugasnya.

Ia tiba-tiba terlempar begitu saja, tanpa pernah ingin, dan tanpa pernah mau. Tanpa ada secuil pun kehendak, ia dipaksa hidup.

Namun, ironisnya, ia pun dipaksa mati.

Untuk apa sebenarnya kita memulai (hidup), jika pada akhirnya kita harus berakhir (mati)? Dalam kedua momen kejadian itu, kehendak kita tak pernah terlibat, atau mungkin tak pernah ada...

LSF Cogito

6950Raja CahayaFeb 21, 2019

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Finally, of course, the developers. The builders that uses the tools mentioned thus far.

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